Mrs. P (identity unrevealed), 30 year old female, resident of Punjab was suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) since last 4 years. She was also diagnosed with Myesthenia Gravis which is an illness of muscular system which makes it difficult to give any antidepressant or antiobsessive drugs. She was previously taking treatment from National Institute of Mental Health and Neurology Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore was reffered to Dr. Rahul Mathur, Psychiatrist Indore. She also started having Depression and Migraine headaches since last few months. She has been under treatment of Dr. Mathur since last 6 months and now reports complete recovery in all her symptoms. Her treatment included medications as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which was administered at Anand Neuropsychiaty Clinic, Indore. Patient recently became mother to a healthy daughter.